No Cost Solar Program & How It Works...

The Inflation Reduction Act (passed in 2023) has now come into full effect and it includes the Direct Pay provision for tax-exempt organizations. Home owners and Business owners (we call them host) can partner with a non-profit entity and have a no cost solution that is very attractive.
The Highlights
* Free Solar Power System for Host
* Includes Battery Backup to power your address during an outage
* Drastically Reduce your Electricity Bill - TODAY and tomorrow
* Reimbursements paid back to you for any out of pocket expenses
* Non Profit uses the US Federal Government Direct Pay + MARCS depreciation to pay off the system
* Non Profit provides maintenance and warranty for 7 years
The STEPS in Our Program
1. The Host will acquire interim Financing for upfront solar install
There are many finance options
2. The Host will transfer tax credits and incentives to the non-profit who will in turn add batteries
3. The non-profit then will reappraise the system and secure a direct pay payment from the IRS
4. The non-profit takes over the system maintenance
(7 maintenance agreement for 7 years + options to renew)
5. The non-profit will pay off the financing paid from the direct payment received from the IRS
The expected wait time is 18-24 months
6. The non-profit keeps the system on his books for the next 6 years to take advantage of MARCS deprecation tax laws.

Watch the above Video as Solar Steven explains the program
Watch the roll out video from the White House
Reference Links for you to review: